Thursday, March 13, 2014

“Here Humanity Was Born ‘n Here is Where Humanity is Dying” by Dr. Ahmed H. Makhdoom

"سنڌ ۾ انسانيت جنم ورتو، هاڻي هِتي انسانيت مري وئي"
احمد مخدوُم؛ 

مانواري سنهڻي مٺڙي نياڻي، مانوارا سنهڻا مٺڙا سائين،
خوش هجو شال سدائين! مهرباني ۽ قرب!؛

الوءِ! اڄُ مان پنهنجا مِٺڙا ماروُنئڙا مُنهنجي سنهڻي مَلير جا رُئندا ڏِٺا سيين، مُنهن مٿو پِٽيِندا ڏِٺا سين! پنهنجَن دل ۽ جگر، گُلَن جهڙَن معصوُم ٻچڙَن جي لاشن مٿان رڙيوُن، چيخوُن، واڪا، ليلائوُن ۽ ٻاڪاروُن ڪندا ڏٺا سين! ابوءِ! دِل جهُري پئي! مَنُ مُنجهي پيو! ساهُ گهُٽجي ٻوساٽجي ويو! الا! اکين مان رَتَ جا لُڙڪَ لڙي پيا لاڙَ ڪري!؛

هيڏا هاڃان ٿين، ڀينَرُ ۽ سَرتيوُن هِنَ ساڻيهَ ۾! اَلوءِ! ڀائِر ۽ ٻَچڙا هِنَ ڀَنڀورَ ۾
Heiddaa haancjaan thiyan bheinaru aeen sartiyunn hina saanneiha mein;
Aloi! Bhaairu aeen bmachhrraa hina Bhambhora mein!”
“O my friends ‘n my sisters,
There be anguish ‘n suffering in my Motherland!
O my sons ‘n my brothers,
There be tortures ‘n torments in my Fatherland!”

Thar is a beautiful Eastern region of my Sacred and Ancient Motherland, Sindh! Here, colourful Peacocks danced and elegant Swans swam, effervescent flowers blossomed and radiant green trees and plants bloomed! There was happiness and heartiness here and there! There was mirth and gaiety everywhere! Here in this glorious land was peace and prosperity, contentment and satisfaction! Here one saw brilliant exuberance and affluence in the entire land!

سائين ۽ سائِڻ،
هزارين ماروُنئڙا ڏڪار جا سٽيل آهِن ۽ خوراڪ، پاڻي، ڊاڪٽَرن، نرسن ۽ علاج لاءِ ترسي ۽ ڦٿڪي رهي آهِن! هي مسڪين ۽ غريب ماروُنئڙا پنهنجو چوپايو مال ڀڳڙن مٺ تي وڪڻڻ تي مجبور ٿي ويا آهِن!پَرَ، انهَن ظالم پاٿاريدارَن ۽ وڏيرَن جي وحشي پيپلس پارٽي جي حڪومت کي ڪو بِه شرم ۽ حياءُ ڪونهي! نَه ضمير بِه مري ويو اٿَن!؛

Alas! That beautiful Thar of bright, brave and brilliant Sindhi Maaruunarraa is dying! There is a smell of Deat everywhere! The birthplace of humanity, Sindh,  is dying! The savage Pakistani Punjabi Army  soldiers, barbaric Patthan and Panaahgeer (immigrants from India, Burma, Afghanistan)  had hunted and barbecued the Peacocks, singed the Swans and looted the rich resources of the Land like oil, gas, petroleum, gypsum, fertile soil and everything possible on which they could lay their dirty hands on!

ڏيڍُ سئُ کان ٻَه سَئُ ٻارِڙآ جان بحق ٿي ويا آهِن! شاهينگَ حڪومت طرفان ڪابِه امداد، عملي مدد ۽ همراهي ڪانَه پهتي آهي! لعنت آهي انهَن پيپلَن شاهَن، کهڙَن، زردارين ۽ ڀُٽَن تي! شل رب جي مارَ پئين!؛

Now, there is a serious drought in the Land! No food and water for the indigenous Sindhis who had been living there since Centuries! The children are malnourished and suffering from all type of diseases! In last few days, over 200 innocent children are dead! Children’s parents wail and mourn! Mother Sindh moans and weeps! My heart stops a beat and my eyes shed torrents of blood-red tears!

In desperation and destitution, the distressed and suffering Thari people are selling their livestock, especially sheep at pittance! A sheep, which normally costs Rs. 7, 000 is being sold for only Rs. 1,500 – just to enable them to buy food for themselves, their hungry and sick children and fodder for their perishing livestock!

Alas! Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP), the ruling Party of savage and barbaric Feudal Lords - autocrats and despots, dictators and oppressors, killers and perverts – care a damn for the poor, hungry, sickly poverty-stricken people of Thar! No help and assistance had come from this tyrant Government!

Woebegone! PPP Government and their Soho-educated brat, guttersnipe, urchin and rascal Chairman, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari spent millions of Dollars, tax-payers’ money, on so-called “Cultural Festival” at 5,500 years old Historical Moenjodaro Civilisation site, but nothing, zero, nada for saving the lives of dying children of Thar, Sindh!   

The tyrant Peoples’ Party Government of Sindh – with their perverted and corrupt Feudal Lords, selfish and shameless Ministers, arrogant and haughty Members of Parliaments and the Demonic Government Officers are sleeping in the Air-Conditioned comfortable Palatial and Fortressed Lodges, drinking Whisky and watching dances of naked Lahori-Punjabi Dancing girls!

Many Thari families, after burying their dead, are migrating to other areas of Sindh, where they will be welcomed with some more sufferings, garlanded with torture, torment, hunger and death!

So much of suffering, so much death, so much pain and torment and the 80-year old uneducated and uncivilised,  heartless and mindless, useless and senseless  Chief Minister of Sindh, Qaim Ali Shah announces, in his drunken stupor, with a smile on his face that such things are “Normal and Common!”  This nincompoop idiot and goon of a Chief Minster and his stupid lecherous, venomous and vicious cronies in the Cabinet MUST be made to resign immediately and taken to Court for Crimes against Humanity!

O Ye Sindhis! Wherever you are, whosoever you are, whatever you are PLEASE STAND UP and BE COUNTED! Your Motherland needs you! Yours long-suffering, wailing and dying kindred folks want you to come forward and do something PRACTICAL and POSITIVE to mitigate their woes, pain and sufferings. There is Death and Destruction in everywhere in Thar, Sindh – your beloved Motherland!

The Sindhi Organisations in the worldwide Diaspora - World Sindhi Congress (WSC), SAPAC, WSI and Sindhi Asspciation of North America (SANA) are beseeched and requested to urge and warn the ruling Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) Government of Sindh to DO rather than TALK and SAY! They MUST come to the aid and assistance of those who had voted them in Power – time and time again! They MUST save Thar and Save Sindh!  

These miserable, corrupt, haughty, arrogant and characterless PPP Ministers and Assembly Members MUST be brought to task and be strongly condemned, reprimanded and reported to the International Human Rights Organisations and Courts of Justice for Crimes against Humanity!

"ڏس تہ ڪيئن تڙپي رھياآھن جھانگيئڙا، ٻُڌ تون عرش عظيمَ وارامری ويا سڀ ڍور ڍڳا ۽ معصوم گلڙا!" هڪڙي سنهڻي سنڌي دوستَ، سيد عبدالڪريم شاه،  جاهي دل چيريندَڙ، مَنُ ڏُکوئيندَڙ، اندَرُ مروڻيندَڙ ۽ جيئُ جهوريندڙ ٻول پڙهي اکڙين مان آبشار وهي پيا!؛

The civilised World, UNO and other World Bodies are pleaded, appealed and urged to pressurise and persuade the tyrant, savage and corrupt Pakistani and Sindh Governments to ACT rather than give speeches and find faults with others!

سائين ۽ سائِڻ،
اُٿو، سڄاڳ ٿيو! هيئُ سنديش سڄي دُنيا، يوُنائيٽيڊ نيشن، سُپر پاور مُلڪَن ۽ انساني حقن جي ادارَن ۽ تنظيمُن تائين پهچايو! بچايو زندَگي ٿَرَ سنڌ جي ٻچن ۽ نياڻِن جي! بچايو حياتي جيجل سنڌُڙيئَ جي!  اللاه واهي! سنڌ سلامت، قوم سلامت، سنڌيت سلامت، سنڌي ٻولي سلامت!؛ اسان سُتَل هئا سيِن! هاڻي جاڳڻو آهي! اُٿيِ بيِهڻو آهي! اڳتي وڌڻو آهي! اچو، تَه گڏجيِ سنڌ جي سينڌ سنواريوُن! جئي سنڌ! دعاگو، احمد مخدوم؛

Wailing and mourning, I am just a simple and humble Son of Mother Sindh,

Ahmed Makhdoom,

8th. March, 2014.

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